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About Us

The ESG People is a change-driven organisation which came into existence with a group of passionate individuals coming together with a unified aim to drive change towards the achievement of a sustainable future.

We started our journey on a path to better world, based on the principle of


KARMA YOGA Art of Working

What’s The Purpose of Journey?

To prove us-to-others? or us- to- own?

Our initial thought is to JUST BEGIN with a journey towards a noble cause.

It brings us immense satisfaction to know that we took our FIRST STEP on the journey. The purpose of a journey is not to prove to others that we are CONTRIBUTING THE BEST, but rather to give ourselves self-satisfaction that we are making OUR BEST CONTRIBUTION towards a better future for our generations.

What’s The Destiny of Journey?

Never wear the fear of success

Our decision to embark on this journey is NEVER accompanied by the HOPE OF SUCCEEDING at the end.

Success is not supposed to be the destiny of all journey’s every time. What we GET, GAIN, ACHIEVE at the end is the WRONG WAY of evaluating a journey. Having a thought “What would be the gain at the end” will sometimes INHIBITED us on even going on the journey. The only motivational factor for us is experiencing the CHARACTER that goes behind in doing such noble cause

We, after giving it a deep thought and reflecting on why we are here, decided to name it "The ESG People," which simply represents a kind of people with the sustainable lifestyle - environment, social and governance.

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  • The ESG People

“That’s How We Come In”